Contact Importer

Import user contacts, no custom code required

Supercharge your application with a secure, reliable integration with your user's contacts data and improving user referrals.

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How it works

Eliminate costly development cycles with our simple service that connects to all providers. Drive customer acquisition with social referrals for your products and services.

  • Integrate contacts data from any provider though our simple APIs
  • Allows support for your own UI, we do not force our design on you.
  • Easy integrations with example of Postman configurations
Works with all major contacts services, including
Google, Yahoo, Outlook, Apple, Office365 and more
  • Import contacts from Google
  • Import contacts from Yahoo
  • Import contacts from Outlook
  • Import contacts from Apple
  • Import contacts from Office365
  • Import contacts from CSV
Contact Importer Demo

Ready to give it a try?

Import contacts in seconds and eliminate the difficulty of entering contacts manually.

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Bulk contact import tool
Customize Service Buttons

SocialInviter offers over 20+ mail servers, CRMs, social networks to choose from, allowing your to aquire new customers with social referrals for your products.

and over 20 more!
Contact list import
Fully Customizable UI

Customize SocialInviter plugin UI using our built-in easy-to-use online editor. Choose your own button colors, background color & callbacks to match your own need. Design and deploy plugin though our simple online editor, matching your theme without developer resources.

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In-Depth Analytics

Our user engagement analytics & dashboard provides in-depth analytics of the referrals, imports, and usage. Our dashboard will help you to identify how your social sharing referral is working.

Get started
Importing customer contacts
API for contact import
Send Events to Data Pipeline

Funnel every user activity to your data analytics platform. Receive your user's touch point events to your unified data pipeline dashboard.

Google Analytics

Ready to start building?

Discover the power of SocialInviter contacts API and experience no-code editor
A complete solution for developers via REST API

With simple-to-use REST API, connect and import user contacts from different providers with a single, secure, and fast API.

  • Integrate contacts data from any provider though our simple APIs
  • Allows support for your own UI, we do not force our design on you.
  • Easy integrations with example of Postman configurations
Contact import API integration