For PHP integration, we recommend you to use this version. It can be used with any php version and its a mix of client and server side version. Please download the below sample code and watch the installation video below. Please contact support if you have hard time with the integration, we can integrate it for you.
Want to implement Contact Importer using REST API with your own logic? please follow the document here

Sample code

Refer the documentation for more customization. Plugin documentation provides the options to customize the template, appearance and events. Please refer the plugin documentation here contact importer doc, friends inviter doc, social connect doc, social post doc.
Step 1: Setting configuration
Go to config.php file and replace the url of oauth.html file and then replace the license keys from your account. Don't have a license key? create a trial license here
Step 2: Getting contacts, friends and profile

Contact Importer:

To get imported contacts, goto processor.php, scroll to storeSelectedContacts function, place a break point to see the imported contacts.

Friends Inviter:

To get imported friends, goto processor.php, scroll to storeSelectedFriends function, place a break point to see the imported friends.

Social Connect:

To get imported profile, goto processor.php, scroll to storeImportedProfile function, place a break point to see the imported profile.
Installation Video
Watch the installation video to setup the product on your local environment, the video also shows the steps to integrate all the four products.
Still not working?
You clicked on the service icons(such as Gmail, Yahoo, Outlook, Twitter etc) and it doesn't seems to be working? then the problem could be at the configuration. We need to connect 3 main DOTS inorder to make this work.
  1. Provide correct redirect url when creating the app
  2. Add api key to socialinviter account
  3. Add license key to your project

Fixing Gmail:

  1. Are you getting redirect url mismatch like shown in below screenshot? which means the redirect url(oauth.html) you provided in the Gmail APP and in socialinviter Gmail configuration doesn't match, both should always match.

    Note: sometimes you might get an error with callbackurl between and and between and, so carefull with www and https.

    contact importer jsp
  2. Are you getting error while fetching or parsing contacts? which might be because your app might not have permission to access contacts from the loggedin user. Make sure you have enabled permission for contacts, google+ and gmail as shown in below screenshot.
    contact importer jsp

Fixing Yahoo:

  1. Are you getting error when creating the APP as "Callback Domain must be a valid URL"? if you are trying to provide your localhost url then Yahoo will not accept localhost as valid domain, please provide as callback domain. Also, make sure you have added the redirect url(oauth.html) in socialinviter Yahoo configuration as both domain should always match.
    contact importer jsp
  2. Are you getting error "Something went wrong, please make sure the redirect url is correct"? which means the domain of redirect url(oauth.html) you provided in the Yahoo APP and in socialinviter Yahoo configuration doesn't match, both should always match.
    contact importer jsp

Fixing Facebook:

  1. Are you getting "Given URL is not allowed" like shown in below screenshot? which means the domain you provided in the Facebook APP doesn't match with the requested domain, both should always match.
    contact importer jsp
Need code in other programming language?
PHP is not the one you are looking for? no problem, we have sample code available in javascript,, php and java. Please download the code by going to our download page.
contact grabber php script